Media Bash

Author: Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, Romania
Team of the Intercultural Institute of Timisoara, Romania •
Issues addressed
Complexity 3
Group size 1-25
Estimated duration 40 - 100 minutes
Objectives Raise awareness and develop competences related to the analysis of gender stereotyping in the visual media.
Related thematic chapters


Prepare relevant extracts from materials in visual media, including online media, which reflect gender stereotypes and a way in which participants can visualise them Alternatively, make sure that participants (or at least each group of five) have access to a computer connected to internet. Prepare copies of the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media.


Step 1 — 15 minutes
Introduction Present the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media. Divide participants in pairs or small groups Ask them to go through the questions of the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media on the video material prepared for them or to search on the internet a video material to analyse with this tool
Step 2 — 30 minutes
Filling-in the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media. Individually, in pairs or in small groups, participants fill-in the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters through Visual Media. Choose the Standard version or the version for younger learners, depending on the age of participants.
Step 3 — 30 minutes
Sharing key points Each participant or each group shares the key points they mentioned in the questionnaires. Clarification questions are allowed. If the same material was analysed by all groups, results are compared. If different materials were analysed in each group, present each material before having the respective group share the conclusions.


Ask participants to reflect on:
  • their feelings when looking at the video material, when filling-in the questionnaire, when sharing results
  • the group process, how the exchanges went, if there were disagreements in the group, how they were managed, what surprised them most in the opinions of peers in the group
  • what they learned by this process
  • how they can continue to use this tool in the future
  • what they can do to address gender stereotyping in the media

Tested outcomes

The activity has been tested with regards to a different topic: stereotypes of Roma

Tips for facilitation

Depending on the size of the group and the resources available, you need to choose the most appropriate option for material to be analysed. It can also work with just a photo well selected but you need to provide some details about where it was taken from. It works better if you practice filling-in the questionnaire yourself before doing the activity with others.

Potential follow-up

You can encourage participants to set-up a blog and share this kind of analysis. An example is to be found at the section "In other words" at

Needed resources

The questionnaire can be filled on paper, on computer, or online. Depending on the choice, you need pen, pencil / computer / online device + videoprojector and screen  


All relevant resources are available at the page on the Autobiography of intercultural encounters through visual media of the Council of Europe

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