“Cat calling” is a compliment?

I have never met any woman, younger or older, who’d never experienced catcalling.

Catcalling is an unwanted comments, gestures, and actions forced on a stranger (woman, most often) in a public place, without their consent and is directed at them, because of their actual or perceived sex, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation.

When someone catcalls, he perpetuates the personal borders of another person. Usually it is “he”, who considers, that he has right for that, that it is what in default must be taken into consideration and be accepted; even, he thinks, he does good to her or makes her feel good about herself (it is a compliment! You must be happy that someone pays attention to you!).

By default he considers, that she must appreciate this and needs this appreciation and if not – it is she, who is wrong.

Catcalling never asks for permission, it just interferes into personal frontiers.

Catcalling is expression of the “objectivisation” of women and is expression of sexism in the patriarchic society.

What is the difference between catcalling and the compliment? Compliment is expected and it is welcomed: by the social agreement it is permitted and welcomed (for instance at a date or between wife and husband at a family party… ). People should know each other and be sensitive and empathetic to understand, if their compliment, evaluation, opinion is appropriate. The person receiving is open to get, his/her personal borders are open and welcoming. That is the difference.

Understanding of the theory is like, so, very good, but, in reality, what can a woman do when she is catcalled, at the given place and time? – This is the question.

In case of reacting, the perpetrator may get aggressive and escalate till insults or more verbal and non-verbal aggression. Most of the time I choose to ignore (as most of my friends), because usually you have not even have time to stop or to speak to anyone, when catcalling happens. And, then, there is fear of more aggression and violence.

So, can anything be responded individually, when you are catcalled? – I stay with this question for years…
